supporting patients

Enhanced benefits for patients and providers

The Lightly Affiliate Program is designed to support Healthcare Providers to help their patients achieve better health outcomes.

Lightly affiliate program

How it Works

It's simple to apply and benefits are extended to Healthcare Providers and patients.

Request to Join

Once approved, you'll receive a unique affiliate code to give to your patients.

Recommend Lightly

Refer your patients to Lightly website for weight-related and metabolic issues.

Patient Orders Online

Your patient orders online using your unique affiliate code at checkout for their 10% discount.

Enjoy The Benefits

Your patient loses weight whilst your accrue Lightly Affiliate Reward Points*.

supporting patients

Lightly Affiliate Program

Join the Lightly Affiliate Program for access to additional health resources to support patients with ongoing weight maintenance, as well as product discounts or commission.

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What Doctors Need To Know